Meaning of the Atonement Video
This talk by Brother Skousen was originally video taped and is now available on DVD. It is the classic talk given at the request of the Dallas Texas Mission President in December 1980. Brother Skousen speaks to these missionaries on the topic of the Saviors role in the creation and his crucifixion. He also explains how Elder John A. Widstoe, who was then over the European Missions, taught him this doctrine while on his mission in Great Britain in 1930-32. He also explains the gospel principles of the basic building blocks of the Universe: Intelligence and Matter.
All this discussion culminates in a wonderful perspective of the Savior's love for each of us; his sacrifice and atonement; and how important our eternal lives are to Him.
Brother Skousen recorded in his journal, "There was such a marvelous spirit at the conference that I felt impressed to speak on the Atonement instead of the Christmas Story. I spoke for an hour and twenty-five minutes and it was a beautiful experience for me. President Matheny had arranged to have the talk video-taped as well as recorded so I took the time to give scriptural references for everything I said so the missionaries could look up the passages for themselves."
Pictures and titles have been added to enhance the video presentation. 80 minutes.
More on this subject is available in Brother Skousen's book, A Gospel Trilogy which includes a transcript of this talk.