Easter Story & Gospel Trilogy Bundle
This special Easter bundle includes Brother Skousen's traditional booklet The Easter Story which begins with the Savior's burial and ends with His Ascension. This historical writing was later professionally dramatized by Francis Urry with appropriate music and is included on a CD (28 minutes, perfect for a Sunday School class).
The Gospel Trilogy booklet, written and compiled by Brother Skousen, explains the process our Father in Heaven uses (with universal laws) to create and organize the vast heavens--including our earth and everything on it. Brother Skousen also discusses how the Father has prepared a pathway for His children to return to Him and experience true, eternal joy through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
"Gospel Trilogy" also describes the eternal mission of Jesus Christ and the source of God's power. We have also included a written transcript of his most popular talk, A Personal Search for the Meaning of the Atonement.
The Meaning of the Atonement talk was originally video taped at a 1980 missionary Zone Conference in Dallas, Texas and is now available on DVD. We have added graphics and visuals to compliment the presentation (80 minutes).
Also included: audio CD version of the Atonement talk (80 minutes).